Saint Nick in His Study – #2

Designer: Michele Sayetta: Heaven and Earth Designs
Artist: Scott Gustafson
Started: 21st January 2006
Last Update: 21st January 2006

st nick in his study 29 january 2006

Ta da! progress 🙂
879 stitches in … not too bad for just two partial days stitching over two weeks. All told that brings me to 0.53% complete. So far to go but it really is an enjoyable stitch. I have loads of inspiration too thanks to Di’s amazing WIP There are still a few colours I haven’t picked up yet so I am having to stitch around them. It means that I am not really parking with this yet… which always makes me nervous that I will end up having to frog a portion.
So far so good though… now off to dust off Scotland

Dragon Dreams-SBF update

I am a bit late in updating this but here it is …. fridays progress on Snow Ball Fight.

Designer: Jennifer Aikman-Smith: Dragon Dreams
Previous update: 21st Jan 2006

snowball fight wip 27th Jan 2006

Not a huge amount of progress this week but I did manage more along the snow drift at the bottom. Currently I am undcecided if I will contiue with this piece as my over two for fridays in Feb or swap out to one of my other projects. I still hope to get Rose of Sharon finished by May so I will need to get back to her soon.
My weekends are proving to be too busy lately for any decent amount of stitching time which makes progress on things like St Nick slow. I am thinking I may have to re-jig my rotation but will give it another week to be sure. I still have to update St Nicks progress for this week too, didn’t quite meet my quota again but made better progress than last week. Will post updated piccies later tonight.

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